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Bollard Street Limited
Wheatlea Road, Marus Bridge
Wigan, Lancashire

Cycle Shelters

In our increasingly environmentally conscious world, cycling is quickly emerging as an eco-friendly and cost-effective method of transportation for many people within the UK, from school children to employees of large corporations. Our range of bike shelters are purpose-built from a range of different materials to ensure that you, your staff, and your customers, can all protect their bicycles from the elements and the threat of theft or vandalism.

A bike or cycle shelter is exactly what it says on the tin. They are specialist structures that are designed simply to provide secure and weather-protected storage for bicycles, keeping them safe and secure while they aren’t in use. Our entire range of secure outdoor cycle shelters can be customised to suit any location and blend seamlessly into their surroundings, accommodating anywhere from 5 to upwards of 30 bicycles at a time.

Each of our cycle shelters are manufactured by our in-house team of engineers, which means that no matter what your requirements are, we can ensure that they are built to match. We can also provide a UK-wide installation service.

Take a look at our range of cycle shelters to find out more about how Bollard Street can help you to provide secure, weatherproof bicycle storage for your school or business today!

View our full range of cycle shelters

Why should you install an external cycle shelter?

Having a bike shelter installed on your premises is something that provides several benefits for you, your employees, and any visitors that come to see you, and are absolutely an investment that is worth putting in place.

Not only does a weatherproof bike shelter provide protection from the elements that can damage the components and mechanisms that make a bike work (which let’s be honest is a problem in the UK), but having a secure location to store bikes reduces the risk of theft and vandalism too which can encourage more people to cycle instead of drive for their daily commute.

The installation of a bike shelter also shows that you as a company are committed to sustainability, and with bike storage solutions like our Timber Clad Shelter can even incorporate a live “green” roof made of sedum and dwarf grasses to improve biodiversity.

Who can benefit from a bike shelter?

Bike shelters are perfect to be installed pretty much anywhere, whether it’s a workplace looking to encourage their employees to cycle to work or schools looking to promote a healthier lifestyle to their students, the option to provide secure and weatherproof bicycle storage is crucial. Explore our full range of cycle shelters below or contact our team today to find out more about how we can help you to provide safe outdoor bike storage at your premises!

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